OpenVPN connection between GL-XE300C4 and pfSense

I want to set up an OpenVPN connection between GL-XE300C4 and pfSense. I have tried configuring a peer-to-pair with shared key server on the pfsense and exported the ‘inline’ configuration. It didn’t work. The logs in the pfsense showed that the GL-XE300C4 connected but no traffic was passed. The showed the status button in the GUI as orange which means there was an issue. I don’t know how to view the logs on the GL-XE300C4 so I really couldn’t do any additional troubleshooting.

Has anyone set up an OpenVPN connection between the GL-XE300C4 and pfSense? If so, can you list the steps you took or provide a guide?

Also, do you know of a good way to view logs on the GL-XE300C4?

What does the log on XE300 show?
Can you post the content of ovpn?