OpenVPN protocol with PIA + port forwarding does not work

Hi there,

I noticed when I setup a AR300M16 router to connect to PIA via the OpenVPN protocol the port forwarding does not work.

At firewall I choose port forwarding: external OVPN and internal LAN

It seems to me that PIA does not allow a router to setup a OpenVPN connection that use port forwarding.

Is there a workaround to make this work ?

Thanks in advance !

First, you need to make sure PIA allows you do port forward. If they do not provide such service, there is no way to do it.

Second, pls take the option “allow access to local network” in the openvpn connection page. Otherwise all connection from ovpn interface may be rejected.

I discovered that PIA don’t allow port forwarding when using your own router as Client.
Fortforwarding is only supported when using the PIA Software and Apps.

Anyway thanks for your help.

I just got a feedback that ivacy allows it.

Please verify at your own.

Thanks for the information, I contacted IVACY and they allow port forwarding for $1.00 each month on to of your subscription.
I hate when they do that, I just want to pay for all in one.

In the mean time I use AZIREVPN with OpenVPN which allows port forwarding.
Only with WireGuard I dident det it to work, I don’t know which cause the problem the or the VPN service.

Windscribe allows it for free too, also to switch from slow OpenVPN to WireGuard… (as Azire does too).

Azire and WireGuard with port forwarding does not work !

I already conntacted them and as I presumed they currently do not support port forwarding on wireguard protocol.

I quote:

On OpenVPN, some of our locations propose both kinds of IP addresses. Shared IP addresses are NAT ones, including IPv6, with no configurable incoming port (therefore no direct incoming connection is possible). Public IP addresses are assigned to a unique user during the time of the tunnel, with all incoming port opened by default. In this mode, the user has responsibility for their security and should use a firewall.

On WireGuard, all our endpoints feature shared IP addresses because it is not possible to dynamically assign IP addresses like on OpenVPN. IP addresses have to be assigned when a key is submitted (like when a configuration file is generated). It would be too costly to assign a public IPv4 address for each submitted key due to the worldwide scarcity of IPv4 addresses.

So only with OpenVPN and you must use configuration generator and sellect Public IP’s not Shared IP’s only than port forwarding will work.