Package Requirements for AstroRelay on Vanilla OpenWRT Build

Hello All,

Just quick question. I am having issues installing AstroRelay on a AR750s. I’ve SCP’d the config file and correct arc.ipk but I get an error in the logfile that keeps saying symbol is not found when I try to start arc.

I assume I’m missing an openssl package but I can’t for the life of me work out the dependencies

The arc client require the verion 1.1.1 of OpenSSL.

Thanks installing ARC and OpenSSL log still shows me,

daemon.err arc[6004]: Error relocating /usr/sbin/arc: ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE6appendERKS4: symbol not found

Any ideas?

Steps followed:
Generate and download config and arc files.
Upload to /temp
opkg install arc
opkg install openssl-util
Upload config from arc download to /etc/astrorelay

Logread reveals that error
daemon.err arc[6004]: Error relocating /usr/sbin/arc: ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE6appendERKS4: symbol not found

I should explain hardware is 21.02 on AR750S

Is 21.x supported with AstroRelay or is that my issue?

I think there is a ssl version problem in 21.02. I will let developers check.

Thanks. Let us know when there is an update :slight_smile:

HI Design Tagline:

You are amazing guys!

For anyone who does this. The file included in that post is newer than the one still distributed with the arc download from Astrorelay despite the version number being the same.

I’ve also got some MV1000 units. Any chance of getting their file updated?


Is there an updated version available for the MV1000? (40.9 KB) The attachment is the ipk of openwrt 2102 for mv1000, please try it.

The website have been updated.

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I love you. Thank you so much team. I’ll give it a test soon :slight_smile: