pcWRT like access control/block lists

Can GL-iNet routers do some of the access control stuff that pcWRT routers can do? Particularly block lists that can block domain names, partial domain names and IP addresses.

Are device profiles possible? Something being considered?

Not needing parental controls, I mainly want to be able to block known bad, malicious, spammy etc domains/tlds.

Just trying to wrap my head around how to block stuff. And if it is possible with access control and the firewall etc. I am just an average privacy enthusiast not a network ninja.

If you get a model that supports adguard then you can create client profiles inside adguard and restrict on a per device basis or you can do global block actions.


Im using Adguard Home with Flint 2 and Marble 3000. Its quite easy to do what you want if AGH is supported. I also mainly use Hagezi's list (which also have a spam tlds list).

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Thanks for the responses!

I should have mentioned that I do not want to use Adguard Home because that means I cannot use Encrypted DNS (DoH) (as far as I understand it anyway), which is a must for me.

I was kinda hoping for a solution where I can set the router to use encrypted DNS/DoH AND be able to have block lists to block domains and TLDS etc like pcWRT seems to be able to do. Router DNS and blocking seem to be independent/separate with pcWRTs Access Control/blocking as far as I can tell.

Maybe using using NextDNS could work for me.

You totally can use DoH while using AGH.

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Oh! Awesome! Thanks for responding.

But is it just Adguard DoH? Or can I still choose whatever DoH provider/server I want in the Encrypted DNS settings section with Adguard enabled? Or will all DNS go through Adguard DNS?

Like can I have Adguard Home enabled AND be using Cloudflare or NextDNS or Mullvad DoH?

This is what made me think if I enable Adguard Home I can't use any other DNS.

When AdGuard Home is enabled, the router will force the use of DNS servers provided by AdGuard Home.

AdGuard isn't AdGuard Home.

In AGH you can configure any DoH DNS server you want to use. Just enable it and visit the config panel - it will be shown as soon as you enabled AGH.

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Ok. Thanks for helping. Sorry I am very new to all this.

I am a little confused...when you say AGH are referring to AdGuard Home which is available in router settings under Applications. And you are saying that AdGuard Home and AdGuard are separate things?

I enabled it and got a dashboard with stats. Then I clicked this below to go to the Settings page.

So in there somewhere I can set DoH? And that will be equivalent to setting Encrypted DNS in the router DNS settings section, and all my devices on my network will use that DNS?

Do I set it in here I assume?

Yep. Make sure to click the „Learn more“ link so you will get to the AGH manual.

And yes, AGH and AdGuard are completely different things.

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Ok great! Thank so much for your help!

Just want to confirm...will be it equivalent/the same as setting up Encrypted DNS in the GL UI/router DNS settings section? And all my devices on my network will (in most cases) use that DNS?

I basically understand what setting up encrypted DNS/DoH on my router means, I just want to be sure using DoH in AGH instead is basically the same.

If I use AGH I can get encrypted DNS/DoH on my router/for my network AND all the ad etc blocking that AHG can do, is that correct?


It is.
Both will DoH from your network to the DNS server. Internal DNS inside your network will be plain DNS.


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Thank you!!!

What is internal DNS? I can also do web search to try to answer that too.

If I set up DoH in AGH or the router, do you know if it matters if I have my browser (Firefox) set to use DoH?

Do you know if one overrides the other? I assume they should be set to the same server?

Browser overrides router.

Best is to disable DoH in your browser so the router can do it. Or use the same server at least, yep.

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Thanks for clearing that up! I have been wondering about that forever!

Does anyone know if it's possible to have also the "Internet Logs" from "Access Control" of pcWRT?
that is showing every single IP / URL that devices try to connect to and it seems to be very deep and useful feature.

You can use the AGH logs for that. But only DNS will be shown, no URLs since this isn't technically possible.

Thanks, I will have a try and come back with results.

oh AdGuard Home.... that's a joke compared with what can show you the Access Control / Internet Logs from pcWRT.
Maybe something better?

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That is the only thing that will provide logs, I am sorry.