Print server

Good day. I have the GL.iNet6416 firmware 2.10. I want to have a function as a print server. What Packages to add to the firmware? Sergey.


I think you should take a look on Samba and Cups.

After a simple search on Google on “openwrt printserver” the first hit shows a great start:

samba is the default. added cups and p910nd, processes are running. But the USB device does not appear, when you connect the printer.

What device did you connect? What does “dmesg” say?

canon MF4018, dmesg - ?

execute ‘dmesg’ and you will have the console output.

Seems you don’t have the correct driver installed.

Here is my experience to make a printer work.

  1. opkg install cpus

  2. modif /etc/cpus/cupsd.conf

User root
Group root
AuthClass Anonymous

Allow from

  1. execute backend program

$ chmod +x /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb

$ /usr/lib/cpus/backend/usb

You will see some info in console. If you are not using UART, use ‘dmesg’ to show these messages.

DEBUG: list_devices
DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=2
DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID: MFG:Canon;CMD:BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,PLI;SOJ:TXT01;MDL:iP3600
series;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Canon iP3600
series;VER:1.020;STA:10;HRI:ASI;MSI:AOFF,BOFF,DAT,E3,HFSF;PDR:6; Device URI:
direct usb://Canon/iP3600%20series?serial=13C040 “Canon iP3600 series” “Canon iP3600 series”
“MFG:Canon;CMD:BJL,BJRaster3,BSCCe,PLI;SOJ:TXT01;MDL:iP3600 series;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Canon iP3600
series;VER:1.020;STA:10;HRI:ASI;MSI:AOFF,BOFF,DAT,E3,HFSF;PDR:6;” “”

  1. Web UI, use the password of root to login.

Add your printers.

  1. Add printer in your Windows

My printer’s address is, then you can print now.

  1. Cups need more RAM, which the router may not have. You can let cups to cache in your USB storage if you have.

Modify /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

RequestRoot /mnt/sda1

TempDir /mnt/sda1


  1. Add cups in startup

/etc/init.d/cupsd enable

Thank you. I will do your advice