Problem with Public IP in several ways...


I'm writing to you because I want to use a GL-MT300N-V2 (Mango) for my work.

I want to connect remotely using a VPN.

I followed the tutorial from this video :

I've connected several ways and I can't get a public IP address:

  • With an ethernet cable from the router -> to the Mango wlan port

  • Tethering with my Android smartphone

  • By repeater with my company's Wifi.

No matter how I connect to the Internet, I can't get a public IP address. When I go to Internet -> IP Address, I get a local IP (192.168.XXX.XXX). However, when I go to Application -> Dynamic DNS -> DDNS Test, I get this message: "The IP from DDNS domain resolution is not the same as the WAN IPs of the device. You need an Internet Public IP address to use the Dynamic DNS. If this router is behind NAT, you may need to set up port forward in your ISP router. If you have VPN Client enabled, please disabled "Services from GL.iNet Use VPN" in the global options ".

And just below I have a public IP address (IPv4) and a local one (Interface WAN IP).

I still tried to connect with Wireguard and/or OpenVPN. For Wireguard, it doesn't go any further than handshake and for OpenVPN, it doesn't work either...

Note that I successfully detect my Mango on GoodCloud and it does put my Public IP on (Same IP as the DDNS after scan).

Thank you for clarifying this problem for me.

Admin pannel v4.3.17

kernel version 5.10.176

Best regards

Kevin Jacot-D.

Since all the ways you connect to the internet involves other routers, you will never get a public IP directly on your Mango.

For running a server, you need a public IP or port forwarding.
Please check How to troubleshoot WireGuard to read some more information.

i've seen something with ddns-scripts, basically you can use the other options like web request to or

GL should provide something like that for their own DDNS

This should work. At least it did for me.

Hey @admon, Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your clarification, the video suggests that the public IP must appear in the web page, which is obviously not the case.
I followed your guide (very complete, thank you) and tried to use port forwarding, but without success. (Local IP of my router, internal and external port 51830).
Do you have any ideas or is it a waste of time?

Did you change your WireGuard port in the server config as well to 51830? Because default is 51820/udp .

Unfortunately yes I have changed WireGuard's default listen port from 51820 to 51830