I need balancing to use multiple wifis as a client. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any other ways to achieve load balancing of more than 2 wwan.
Of course, I briefly looked at these files, but I didn’t see any significant work
Meanwhile, I’m having more and more problems. The fact is that for some reason unknown to me, new access points are created without a password on the same channels as the sta-connections. Previously they were called MTK_CHEETAH_AP_2.4G and MTK_CHEETAH_AP_5.8G. The search led me to the files /etc/wireless/mediatek/mt7981.dbdc.b0.dat /etc/wireless/mediatek/mt7981.dbdc.b1.dat, which contained these lines. However, after they are deleted, the same access points get new names such as HT_AP0, HT_AP2, etc. They are not visible in the Network/Wireless tab, nor are they in the files. They are created without the ability to delete or hide them. Tell me, what is this feature? Is it possible to cut out all the GL noise in the OpenWRT firmware in order to make it as convenient as possible to use it for your purposes? This causes me a lot of inconvenience.
Looks like this topic has already been raised here Beryl AX (MT3000) firmware issues - #7 by munsuri