Hi, someone have some information of how long the Puli AX can work only on battery ?
please let me know, I'm evaluate to change my Spitz AX for the Puli AX.
Hi, someone have some information of how long the Puli AX can work only on battery ?
please let me know, I'm evaluate to change my Spitz AX for the Puli AX.
About 5 - 8 hours. Only for reference.
The battery power time depends on the device cellular network, LAN/WLAN clients, traffic DL/UL bandwidth and so on...
thanks for your answer, last question, the Puli AX performe the same when Plugged in and with Battery or the performance is limitate when on Battery?
thanks a million.
I can tell from my usage that there is no difference
Hi Admon,
thanks for your answer!!!
I hope to have an official answer also from @bruce that is a GL.iNet Staff !!!
Performance of the Battery is the same as Plugged, full power output from battery.
admon bought many GL products, I think he also does a lot of testing.
Hi @bruce thanks for your answer, and now that I know that @admon bought many GL product I could ask him some information!!
by the way, I also have had lot of products. actual Flint 2 and Spritz, before a Mango and two Flint, and I'm in the process to by a Puli AX!!! ;-)!!
Just order the Puli AX!! Looking forward to receive it!!!