Puli AX best battery routine

I recently bought the Puli AX, really happy with it, used for 1 week without any shutdown, just moved around the house with the battery and pugged when needed.
My questions is simple:

  1. someone mention that Puli AX have battery manager inside, so that we don't need to worry if we leave plugged all the time, can someone confirm this?
  2. because I also need to use with battery, what is the best was to proceed, once finish the use with battery just plugged in, or maybe better wait that the battery arrive to 20% or so?

Next summer I will use it for few months and I would like to treat it the best I can.

Q1, yes, but occasionally it is also necessary to use battery until 25% and fully charge it to maintain the activity of Li-ion.

Q2, if the battery is used frequently daily, do not worry about Q1 or charge it when it arrive to 25%, just plug or unplug any time to charge or move and go