Puli AX vs Spitz AX

I just saw the new Puli AX, I wonder what is the real difference between Puli AX and Spitz AX.
It seems to me that only the battery is the difference between the two.
Please let me know, I love my Spitz AX but it with the battery will be the TOP of the TOP :wink:

Yes, the Puli AX can be described as the Spitz AX with battery version.

OMG, Already time to upgrade my Spitz :wink:

I’m not Joking, I have Spitx AX and I love it, but if I had the choice I was going to buy the Puli AX…

Yep. Same here.

Hopefully they will do another Early Bird sale on the Puli, as well!

GL iNet is really doing well this year. Love all the new products!