That's great. I've asked my chinese friend 'Hey, can you talk to these people? They haven't hired anyone who comprehends english properly.' Because Quectel staff, at least on their forum, do not seem to understand the premise of the question. Several people hav been asking over the years, and it seems straightforward.
GLiNet actually has staff that have a strong comprehension of english. And, people more adept than myself at working with these cards (mini pci-e 4G quectel), this specific one (EC25-) and others.
What I have gathered, from reading a Quectel 300+ page manual on the card, numerous posts, and another document that shows the pin layout, physical design:
A variety of Quectel cards, 4G, 5G, have had their operator send:
instead of "usbnet"
(all are sub-options under AT+QCFG=, which I have found no full documentation on).
Or, in some other way, the card went into a condition where the /ttyUSBx disappeared.
Apparently, that is 'host' mode instead of 'device' mode. Which, mistakenly, turns off critical serial port access (AT commands).
It seems that all their cards, have a recovery mode, that requires pulling up USB_BOOT to VDD_EXT (1.8v) on power-on/boot, putting the card into Emergency Download Mode. The method to reset is then is to flash the card. There seems to a USB_BOOT pin on the EC25-AF, but in their documentation it is marked 'RESERVED', along with many other pins. This seems to put the card in a Qualcomm Gobi 'mode', which is how it is seen by the host system, ready for flashing.
If you are fortunate to have the Quectel Developers version of the Mini-PCIe to USB adapter, apparently it has hard-wired UART lines that allow communication. Those would work, regardless of whether the emulated UART lines are turned off.
The RESET_N pin, only reboots the chip. It does not reset anything. One of their staff replied in a thread about it. Incorrectly-named, should have been REBOOT_N.
This card's RNDIS function, seems to partially 'work', right now. An IPv4 address, that is clearly coming from the cell provider, appears in Openwrt. No connectivity through the router though.
The original reason, for me poking around, was the script was logging that it was loosing connectivity. Seeking to resolve these issues, I flashed the card, put it in NDIS or ECM mode, instead of QMI or MBIM, and it worked fine with newer official firmware. Along the way, finishing-up, somehow I was unable to get an IPv6 address into Openwrt. The AT+ commands were showing that the card was correctly getting an IPv6 from the cell provided/internet upstream.
While troubleshooting, I accidentally, due to the confusing use of terms, used usbmode instead of usbnet, the card was stuck in a non-functional RNDIS mode, with no ttyUSBx comm lines.
How to gain access to the card, to set it right?
By placing it in a USB adapter, to be accessed through a laptop [you are looking into that]?
Or how, through commands, to get the card to factory-reset itself? Those commands are, supposedly something only used by the engineers at Quectel! And require ttyUSB or hard-wired UART access.
Where is the USB_BOOT pin on this card, that will force the chip into EDM, which, after a flash, will then supposedly reset the "usbmode"? I'm sure it exists. It does on very similar products from Quectel.
Edit: Not sure how I missed this, but it happens: The hardwire UART lines are exposed on pins 11,13 on the card. Iirc, the GLiNet staff said those are not connected to anything on the main GL-X750 board. A 3.3v tty-to-USB adapter should allow communication with the board when it is powered-up. See attached.