Remote access over the web ui

I have a the MT-1300. How can I access the WebUI remotely? It is not connected to my cable modem, but rather behind my router and is assigned (by MAC address) an ip of I use a WireGuard VPN to connect to 172.16.68.x machines. While I can ping, I can’t access the Web GUI.

I even created a WireGuard server from the gl-inet and that didn’t work. Any suggestions?

Have you allowed access to port 80/tcp (and/or your WG server port) on your Beryl?
See WebUI - FIREWALL | Open Ports on Router

Ah, I should have known. That and a port forward rule solved things

Glad it helped!
If you really wanna access from outside pls consider opening port 443 instead of 80 and accessing the box via HTTPS though.


How to remote access GL.iNet routers’ web admin panel