Request to add modem support functionality to the firmware

Recently, I discovered the sources of interesting and useful functionality for modem support in OpenWrt firmware: GitHub - koshev-msk/modemfeed
I would love to see such functionality in all Gl.inet devices. First of all, I’m interested in their implementation in firmware for Flint GL AX1800 and others with a similar architecture. There are no difficulties there, but the availability of this functionality “out of the box” greatly increases the convenience of connecting modems to the router and managing them, which will make Gl.inet devices much more attractive to end users.

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AXT1800 4.1.0 release 7 has added modem support. But pls wait longer and we are merging more.

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Any update on request for modem firmware support functionality? Specifically for the Spitz and Puli

The functions related to the original post has been added in the stock firmware already.

What do you mean modem firmware?

Modem firmware like this one: RM520NGLAAR03A02M4GA_2023_11_06

You can update the modem firmware after you ssh to the router.
Check out this post.