Samba needs updating or a permanent solution. MT6000

This was fun trying to find a solution for the past hour to another problem that needs to be addressed in the next firmware update.

GL-MT6000 Firmware 4.6.8 op21

Mac computers, iPads, iPhones, do not see files on a hard drive that is attached to a router via USB port, when a hard drive is formatted as exFAT.

Files can be seen when a hard drive is directly attached to a Mac computer.

Here is a solution from a year ago, but has yet to be permanently implemented in to firmware.

To GL engineers, please add this solution as a permanent fix.


After another hour of trying to make this work, it partially works.

Im able to see the files on the hard drive but im only seeing about 1/4 of the total files on the drive.

Quick update;

I installed firmware 4.6.6 OP24 and the issue is not present. I didn't have to download any pluggins or make any additional configurations. Will this be resolved in OP21 firmware?


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