Searching plug-ins descriptions

I’m looking for a way to search (by keyword) all plug-ins descriptions. Yes, I know I can search by plug-ins name but that is insufficient for my needs. I want to search not only the name but the complete description of all plug-ins.

How can I do that??

Alternatively, is there a way to obtain a complete list of all plug-ins (including descriptions) that I could download and search on my WIndows system?

Honestly, I really don’t want to click-on 8,823 listed plug-ins to find those of interest or need.

Login to the modem using ssh, then:

opkg update
opkg -h

Here you go:

Not all of them might be available for your device.

opkg has all hat you need:

root@modem:~# opkg -h | grep  find
opkg: unrecognized option: h
opkg must have one sub-command argument
	find <regexp>		List packages whose name or description matches <regexp>

root@modem:~# opkg find *nano*
nano - 6.4-1 - Nano is a small and simple text editor for use on the terminal.
 Nano started as an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor.
 Nowadays Nano wants to be a generally useful editor with sensible
 defaults (linewise scrolling, no automatic line breaking).
 Nano is an official GNU package.
nano-full - 6.4-1 - nano-full - all features, including syntax highlighting (also uci),
 multibuffer, Unicode/UTF-8, nanorc, some key bindings.
 (libmagic-based file type detection is disabled)
 Example /etc/nanorc is included. nanorc documentation at
 Nano is a small and simple text editor for use on the terminal.
 Nano started as an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor.
 Nowadays Nano wants to be a generally useful editor with sensible
 defaults (linewise scrolling, no automatic line breaking).
 Nano is an official GNU package.
nano-plus - 6.4-1 - nano-plus - Additional features enabled, larger size than default nano.
 (multibuffer, Unicode/UTF-8, help, justify, nanorc, some key bindings)
 Nano is a small and simple text editor for use on the terminal.
 Nano started as an enhanced clone of the Pico text editor.
 Nowadays Nano wants to be a generally useful editor with sensible
 defaults (linewise scrolling, no automatic line breaking).
 Nano is an official GNU package.