Second travel router showing the wrong IP address


I currently have a Flint router set up as the wireguard server with a bunch of clients connected including phone, laptops, opal travel router, ect. and they all work fine and display my home address' IP address properly. I recently bought a second travel opal and added it as a client the same way I've done with the other clients. However, this new one doesn't seem to be displaying the home IP address even when I've toggled enable and it indicates that it's connected properly with the green light.

I can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong with setting the second opal up as a client. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



  1. Is the second opal connected to another network, not a home network?
    In addition, other networks does not block the WG traffic, right?

  2. In the second opal profile, is it a new profile?
    If you put that profile on your phone, is it normal connect?

  3. Before doing the configuration, please reset the firmware and then configure it.

Hi Bruce,

  1. Yes it is connected to another network outside of my home where the Flint router is. I don't believe the network it's connected to blocking WG traffic.
  2. Yes it is a new profile. You're suggesting using the new Opal's profile on my phone? If so, yes I tested it with my phone and it works properly on the phone.
  3. I will take a look at resetting the second opal router firmware and re-add the profile and report back.


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