Setting a home vpn server to use by remote clients to connect to internet

I just purchased a 300M and I am trying to set up a home VPN to permit me to connect my android phone when I am traveling but appear as if I am surfing the internet from my home IP.

I am a newbie and so far I have done the following:

  1. connected the router to my provider’s fiber optic modem using a cable and a static IP address.
  2. I was able to create a ddns service from within the fiber optic modem so that should solve the problem if the home IP address were to change. I created a host on for this purpose.
  3. I noted that that OpenVPN defaults to port 1194 and wireguard to 51820. I attempted to forward these ports to the router.
    |Application Name|WAN Connection|WAN Port|LAN Port|Device Name|Internal Client|Protocol|Status|Delete|
    |Customer settings|1_VOIP_TR069_INTERNET_OTHER_R_VID_881|51820~51820|51820~51820|GL-MT300N-V2-69a||UDP|ACTIVE|Delete|
    |Customer settings|1_VOIP_TR069_INTERNET_OTHER_R_VID_881|1194~1194|1194~1194|GL-MT300N-V2-69a||UDP|ACTIVE|Delete|
    However, when I check to see if the ports are opened using Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router it reports them as being closed. it also reports port 80 as being closed so I am not sure of how to interpret the results.
  4. I created a server and client for both OpenVPN and Wireguard. I started the server and created a client but without success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you connecting to the WAN or LAN port.

What is Is that the address assigned to the WAN side of the 300M.

Were the servers running when you checked if the ports were open.


is your 300M connected directely to the internet (no other router or firewall between)? if so, starting the openvpn server or wireguard server automatically opens ports on the 300M for those services so no forwarding is needed on the 300M but

make sure your ip addess on client.ovpn is your true external ip address(wan address)

for wireguard, just scan barcode from gl-webadmin to phone wireguard android app.

Did you change your endpoint address in the client config to match the noip address (wireguard client config below)?

Address =
ListenPort = 20088
PrivateKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DNS = xx.xx.xx.xx

AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = (noip dns name): 51820
PersistentKeepalive = 25
PublicKey = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

How do i manually edit the file? Within the GUI I do not see this capability.

You need to edit the client file on the end point.

My process (haven’t done it for a while) for say my Android phone for Wireguard

  1. Create client configuration on Gl.iNet router
  2. Read QR code from router onto Android Phone
    3…Edit the config manually (below I’m using Gl.iNet’s DDNS service)

On other devices you copy the text config from the router into the client file and just edit manually.

I know I’ve done this for client files on Windows machine, Android Phone, Chromeos notebook, Other GL.iNet routers. Principles remain the same but process may differ. Haven’t done for a while though :slight_smile:

Hope this helps :slight_smile: