Setup config files for GL-AR150

For now Im interested to modify firewall, crontab to load scripts and logrotate if is possible. Other task is justly to customize firewall, all of them in /etc and /etc/config/

For now process to do all is:

-clone repo
-inside this repo Im using customize.json to create a project with all packages and send files to required places

        "profile": "gl-ar150",
        "version": "3.027",
        "imagebuilder": "3.1/openwrt-imagebuilder-ar71xx-generic_3.1",
    "packages": "gl-base-files-ar $basic $vpn $storage $usb $glinet tcpdump logrotate curl gawk",
    "files": "imagebuilder/3.1/openwrt-imagebuilder-ar71xx-generic_3.1/files"



I create all tree to send files

But I detect how firewall is removed when I use installation script

./gl_image -c customize.json -p project

And Im not sure how to setup crontab because I check and create two files using

crontab -e

root@GL-AR150:/etc/crontabs# ls -l
-rw------- 1 root root 5 Feb 18 11:50 cron.update
-rw------- 1 root root 13 Feb 18 11:50 root

Related thread is:

I opened this thread because I understand that firewall use other for to setup than crontab o logrotate.