UPDATE: new link SmoothWAN
Single stream bonding with seamless failover.
GL.iNet devices are now mainly supported due to ease of use and third-party firmware friendly!
UPDATE: new link SmoothWAN
Single stream bonding with seamless failover.
GL.iNet devices are now mainly supported due to ease of use and third-party firmware friendly!
Sadly the link does not work
The project Github page mentions the Wiki: SmoothWAN
Domain was taken down due to project sunset. While still usable, SmoothWAN may not work in the future.
Repo address: GitHub - SmoothWAN/SmoothWAN: An OpenWrt flavor for internet bonding and seamless failover using Speedify with few extras.
The SmoothWAN Wiki was moved to here: GL.iNet (Easiest) - SmoothWAN
I installed fine.
But i have this issue when I clicked on Trigger/Install Update and returns this
Stopping installation/update
Pls advise
Log Reset & Speedify Update/Install
Repository URL:
Repository Ubuntu packages URL:
Latest Version:15.0.0-12168
Speedify package URL:
Speedify UI package URL:
Internet connectivity issue. Stopping installation/update
This software isn't supported anymore (and was never by GL) and I guess no one here in the forum can support you, I am sorry.
No worries
Hope Talal sees this
Is there any firmware that supports openwrt 22 or above?
We have our own bonding solution now in
Again my question is is there a firmware supports openwrt 22 or above?
Not interested in Astrowarp based on MPTCP
Talal thanks for your reply.
I do wish to get this running on the Slate AX.
I will pay or make contribution towards your Parrot Rescue initiave.