Slate 750 - setting the wired network name?

I am using a Slate 750 to tether a phone or MIFI for remote internet access. However, when I want to configure the Slate i plug it into my Windows 10 laptop with an ethernet cable (cable + USB adapter).

My question is: where can I set the name of the Network Profile that appears on my Windows tool bar, in the network dropdown? I must have set it at one time but now I just don’t know where that setting is located.


I don’t know if that’s it, but I change the names of the Windows network profiles in

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ NetworkList \ Profiles, and in the list of big numbers look for the network you want to change, there are two places … Description and ProfileName, I put the same name there, for example AR750S Wired both.

Also a little further down in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ NetworkList \ Signatures \ Unmanaged can also put the same name in Description and First network.

I hope that’s the question you asked.

THank you, thats what I was looking for. I’ll dive into the registry and see where this setting is specified.

I have found this little app, may be is ok for you. Not tested

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