Spitz X750 with Sierra Wireless MC7455


I'm experimenting with one of my Spitz X750 routers. I've put a Sierra Wireless MC7455 in the router, but it is not recognized with the GL-iNet firmware? I can flash the router to RooTer firmware and the modem is recognized and I can connect to the cellular network without any issues. I have the MC7455 in QMI mode.

Is there a way to make the modem recognized with the GL-iNet firmware?



What is your firmware version?

If use ssh to the router and check if the qmi interface is there.

ls  /dev/* 

I'm currently running the RooTer firmware. The MC7455 is using QMI protocol. When I tried the stock gl-iNet firmware (latest version 4.3.19) it does not recognize the modem.

I'll try MBIM. If that doesn't work, I'll try adding the interface under Luci? Thanks.


I've done some additional testing with my X750 using a Sierra Wireless MC7455 modem. Using RooTer Firmware I am able to set the protocol to MBIM or QMI and successfully connect to the cellular network.

I've tried the GL.iNet firmware version 4.3.19 but the modem is not recognized using either protocol (MBIM or QMI).

I flashed the firmware version 3.217 and the modem is recognized when using the MBIM protocol. I haven't had time to see if it will connect to the cellular network yet. I also haven't tried QMI with this version of firmware.

Why would the earlier version of the firmware (3.217) recognized the MC7455 modem but the later version does not (4.3.19)?


Can your RooTer firmware issue AT commands?


Can you tell us the result of the AT instruction?
thank you


When I run the AT+QCFG="usbcfg" under the RooTer firmware I get the following response:


It looks like the Sierra Wireless mc7455 does not support that command? Let me see if I can find an equivalent command.



Doing some more testing with the Spitz X750 and the mc7455.

With the 3.215 and 3.217 firmware, the Spitz sees the mc7455 modem. I'm working with an AT&T data sim. I set the apn the "broadband" but the modem would not connect. I ran a couple AT commands and noticed the AT!selrat returned an "unknown value". I set it to "06" (LTE only) and the modem finally connected to the AT&T tower.

I upgraded to the 4.3.7 firmware (did not keep settings) and am back to the router not seeing the modem. Not sure what the change is from the 3.x to the 4.x as far as recognizing the modem?

Question for the community: How do I issue AT commands after I ssh to the router?



You need drivers first. After install drivers, you will have the devices there e.g. ttyUSBx

Otherwise you cannot use AT command at all.

Pls Google what driver needed. like this one Help with MC7455 in OpenWRT router - MC/EM Series - Sierra Wireless Forum

Maybe just try to install this one and check? Search "sierra" in the plugin
