TOR Leaking dns

I Downloaded Gl-Tor Firmware to my GL-M300N-V2 and I start tor but it is leaking DNS, how do I adjust it to not Leak dns, do the routers that come preinstalled with tor leak dns as well this is a major issue. I need help as fast as possible

What do you have defined under Custom DNS Server ?

How do you determine it leaking DNS?

Tor should use the DNS of the exit node.

I use a free DNS leak test and my VPN has a page where we can test leaks. Leaking on both. What do I have to do to fix the issue I bought to use TOR useless if it leaks.

Nothing as tor should handle DNS requests by default.

Tor doesnā€™t have a DNS to enter.

I can use cloud fair or another privacy DNS but that would be a privacy risk.

I want tor to handle the DNS request. How can this be done ?

I use a free DNS leak test and my VPN has a page where we can test leaks. Leaking on both. What do I have to do to fix the issue I bought to use TOR useless if it leaks.

Confused. If you use Tor, you cannot use vpn to detect your dns leak because it is Tor exit node DNS working for you.

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Well, letĀ“s say I tested too my new GL.inet ARM300, with TOR firmware from official GL-inet page, and there is a DNS leakā€¦
Tested wth three diferent services:

All of them are telling me I have a ā€œvery remoteā€ IP (different countries) but my DNS provider is always my ISPā€¦

Any idea?

I agree, I used many ā€˜ā€™ DNSā€™ā€™ 'VPN Leak tests. And leaks on them all. I dont know if I can trust this company.

Can you leave the default DNS settings to the default and start tor again?
