Ubuntu on brume?

I saw that on the Brume product page it mentions something about ubuntu. Can Ubuntu actually run on the Brume? If so, does it run side by side with OpenWRT or is it duel boot?

Yes, Ubuntu can run on Brume.
At the same time, you can only choose to start one system, please refer to this link for specific usage。


I’m unable to get ubuntu running. Well Ubuntu runs, but I can only access the mv-1000 via ssh and there is no lan / wan. Pretty useless like that. Do I have to reconfigure / script everything from the scratch? Then I’d rather return the mv-1000 back and get me a pi4… Am I missing something?

Updating firmware to 3.104 didnt help neighter. Am I missing something? I just wanted to add pihole but its actually just getting as “un-ready-out-of-the-box” and failureaddictive as a selfconfigured pi then…

Best regards

You must be doing something wrong. Connecting a LAN cable from my main router to the Brume WAN port i get bridged networking out of the box. Devices connected to the Brumme’s LAN ports get IP’s from the main router.

@Johnex I was wondering if you could help me to configure the network in this Ubuntu build. I have followed the github guide and installed Ubuntu on my MV1000W. It seems to run even though the guide, and Ubuntu image are for the MV1000(without wireless). When I ssh in, and enter ip a I don’t seem to have a wireless interface, but otherwise Ubuntu runs and works with the ethernet ports. However it is bridged out of the box like you mentioned. Could you please help me unbridge the router so that I have three independent ethernet ports? What I would like to do is use two ethernet ports as WAN(Internet) ports that have DHCP enabled, and the last port with a static ip that I can ssh into Ubuntu with. I’m not sure what commands, or changes to config files I would have to make. Thanks in advance, any help getting me there would be much appreciated.

I’m a Windows guy believe it or not :smiley:

@alzhao Will need to comment on what driver to install to get the wifi to show up, after that you will need to do something like this:

It’s all good. I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but even Microsoft saw the light finally, adopting Linux with WSL, and IBM buying Redhat. Everyone uses Unix-based systems anyways, runs a good part of the Internet, Android phones, under the hood on MacOS, perhaps iOS, virtual machines, many of the iot devices, router firmwares (OpenWRT) etc. People often just don’t realize they are using Linux/UNIX. I just see computers as computers personally. I’ve run a triple-boot machine most of my life, MacOS, Windows, and Linux, sometimes BSD. Get whatever job done needs to be done. Although, whenever the most interesting man in the world uses technology, I’ve heard tell that he prefers open-source and Linux :wink: unix-jurassic-park Garth-unix-book

Just having fun. I appreciate your response @Johnex. That is definitely a good reference, hopefully I can get the wireless working, and report back to everyone. I would love to create a tutorial, or perhaps an image for the Brume-W so that you can just download whichever image applies to your system, GL-MV1000, or GL-MV1000W.

I actually have another topic going covering wireless right now. Let’s migrate the conversation there please.

Brume/Brume-W configurations.

Yeah ofc. I run Proxmox with KVM as my hypervisor, then have a Windows server and a Windows Desktop as virtual machines. I love Linux and have been using it in some form for the past 15 years, even had it as my daily driver on my laptop for 5 years. Unfortunately for gaming, Linux hasn’t been quite there yet until recently. A lot of the programs I love to use have their Linux counterparts, but are not quite there, if you understand what I mean. There is always something missing that ticks me off, and I need to tinker with something to fix it. On Windows is generally just works. Once gaming is fully supported via Vulkan on all games, then I might move over once again. Windows 10 has been a pain with a lot of bugs recently and random strangeness I don’t like.

I run WSL2 every day for compiling and running FOSS, but for everything else I do like surfing, movies, gaming, I use Windows.

I have also ported all my programs to Linux as well, without any issues :slight_smile:, all my libraries are now compatible on both :smiley: . But sorry, closed source still, you can’t make much money on opensource software :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey mate have you had any luck on getting the wireless interface to work on Ubuntu on BRUME?? Im having the same issues and its really frustrating as this comment is the only one Ive managed to find.

Not sure if its an interface -up -down problem or a driver issue. Ive even plugged an external USB WiFi adapter in to get around the problem.

But cant see why this is needed because the BRUME I have is the wireless one !!!