Unable access admin panel on Flint router

Hey there,

I need a help that after upgraded the software 3.208 on Flint router which unable access the admin panel of the router. Even been resetting the router and can’t find the IP address of the router. Please help?

I have been reset several times but still unable find the ip address of the router?

WiFi is disabled by defaut on the Flint. You need to use the app or alternatively connect via ethernet cable and enable the WiFi.

I used the ethernet cable connect the pc to the router but unable detected the ip address of

Even am used gl.inet app to setup also failed to find device.

I used CMD on pc cannot find ip address of default gateway even reset the router? What is going on after upgraded 3.208 software, the router totally gone?

What should I do know? Please help!

I’m curious to know that why each time upgrade the software, the setting all gone and need to reconfigure again which make hassle. However, after reset few times the router able to find the ip address of the router and reconfigure again.

So your pc cannot get IP address from Flint?

What is the status of the LED of Flint?

Finally, I got it after few times reset.

I want to update the busy box but I don’t know how to do that. Could you please guide me how to go for it. I’m able to login ssh then what command I need to run for the updates busybox to 1.28 3-4

Use winscp to put the ipk to the router first Modify files on the router - GL.iNet Router Docs 3

I’m on winscp then able to upload the file to the root from local files of my pc. But still not updates on the busybox after reboot the router.

What are the step for next in order to updates successfully for busybox 1.28 3-4, because there is no tutorials on how to updates on plug in.

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Hi there,

You need now to ssh into your router, since you use windows you can use putty.

connect to your router ip via putty and it will open a terminal window where it asks for you username and password, username should be root, password the password from your routers web password.

Once you have logged in, you use cd command to go to the directory its uploaded in, Im not sure where this bin folder is but I assume it should be either cd /bin/ or cd /tmp/bin/ with Ls command you can view the files and directories.

Now what you need to do for busybox is first remove flock, use rm /usr/bin/flock which removes this file otherwise the new busybox will not be installed, then use opkg install yourbusyboxfile you can tab complete😉, and then reboot.

Im so frustrating about the updates for busybox which make me hassle to do do so because am not a advance tech guy. I have wrong delete the busybox file on winscp and now unable access the winscp and ssh anymore, maybe because of missing the old file busybox and newer yet installed. I keep trying on the following tutorial command installed but unsuccessful. However, the router is not running properly because of missing the busybox which make the interface of the router, the cable connected to the internet is disappear. However, is it possible doing reset to factory default, the firmware will reverted back?

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Maybe just wait for firmware update.