The update says it works, but when I look at the software/plugin list on the router, it shows the version is still 1.37.11-1. If I run the command line updater again, it shows it’s updating to 1.43, but the update doesn’t stick.
Someone had a similar request (Update NextDNS CLI - #6 by Blobbie01) and so I tried downloading the linked v. 1.42 .ipk and uploading it to the router using the GUI. It says the upload was successful, but again, the list shows the installed version is 1.37.
I’ve tread uninstalling several time suing the GUI as well as the command line (opkg remove nextdns --force-remove) and reinstalling and although it says it’s installing 1.43, it always then says the current version is 1.37.
Unfortunately, the newest version of NextDNS is not available in the repo.
So far, no way to install it - if you don’t want to go the fully manual procedure - which is a game of luck to get it working.
The “install” script of NextDNS isn’t more than just a bad joke. They don’t download the newest version from their servers - but from the built-in repo in OpenWrt… that’s totally stupid.