Some older firmware of the EP06-E module do not support eSIM. To enable eSIM functionality, you need to upgrade the module firmware to version EP06ELAR04A22M4G. Below is the upgrade guide using the X750 router as an example:
Steps to Upgrade:
1. Upgrade X750 to the latest standard firmware from this link.
2. Make the X750 to connect the internet and insert a USB flash drive into the X750’s USB port.
3. Use an SSH client to log into the X750’s command line.
4. Run the command df -h to get the mount path for your USB drive. For example, the mount path for my USB drive is /mnt/sdb1
df -h
5. Use the cd
command to switch to the USB drive's directory.
cd /mnt/sdb1
6. Run the following command to download the latest EP06-E firmware:
7. Use following command to unzip the downloaded file:
unzip -d EP06ELAR04A22M4G
8. Disable the echo mode of the module
gl_modem -B 1-1.2 AT ATE0
9. Upgrade the Quectel module software using QFirehose:
QFirehose -f EP06ELAR04A22M4G
10. Wait for the upgrade to complete.
11. After the module upgrade, download and install the eSIM-supported firmware from this link. Once installed, insert your eSIM card, and you should see the eSIM management interface.
If You Encounter Issues or Need Assistance:
If the module upgrade fails or the process seems complicated, GL.iNet technical support can assist you with the upgrade(when you get GL.iNet Physical eSIM). Follow the steps below:
1. Upgrade to the standard firmware (e.g V4.3.19, available at the GL.iNet download center).
2. Insert a USB flash drive into the X750 and insert your purchased eSIM card
3. Connect the device to the internet with using an Ethernet cable or repeater mode. Make sure the device stays connected to the internet throughout the process.
4. Refer to this link GoodCloud support guide for instructions to share your device with the support account.
5. Send your device's MAC address and password to GL.iNet support at for further assistance.