URL rewrite on router level


I am using a AX3000 as my main router, with Wireguard and AdGuard enabled. VPN is set to device policy to make trafic will look more “normal” if it’s mixed.

My issue is Imgur is too popular and they block trafic from VPN servers. I’m wondering is there any way to rewrite https://i.imgur.com to https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://i.imgur.com on router level?
I tried VPN routed policy based on IP but it’s too slow, most streams that match policy is unwatchable.

Maybe just find a http proxy.

What you are describing is essentially a man in the middle attack and isn’t possible for encrypted (https) traffic without messing around with installing self signed certificates on all the clients and using a transparent proxy to pretend to be the destination hosts. You would probably have better luck rewriting things at the browser level before it gets requested in the first place.

This VPN is company’s so that’s out of question.

I can see how the question can seem nefarious. I already rewrite at browser.

I was wondering is there any universal solution or simpler than redirect DNS to a local proxy that bypass VPN.

I was wondering is there any universal solution or simpler than redirect DNS to a local proxy that bypass VPN.

There is no standard way to intercept or rewrite an encrypted request after it leaves the browser, https is designed specifically to prevent this from being possible. Go back 25 years when most traffic wasn’t encrypted and we did this all the time with transparent squid proxies, it’s not possible anymore now that everything is encrypted.

Thanks. I’ll have to wait until hybrid VPN policy is added to firmware then.