USB 3.0 speed over SMB share

Hi everyone, thanks for this great opportunity! I want to share something I’ve found out while exploring the new Beryl AX and it is about Samba share and the speed of USB 3.0.

So I have a HD in a 3.0 USB box and it is formatted as NTFS. This is a speed test on it using CrystalDiskMark and attached to an USB 3.0 port.


After that I plug the same hard disk with the same USB box and I enable SMB share in the router itself and these are the results I get.

This is when transferring from my computer to the SMB share via LAN:
NAS Write

This is what happens when I transfer the same file from the SMB share to my computer via LAN:
NAS Read

I think that the write part is acceptable, considering the max speed given in the results of the speed test, but I think there is something wrong in the read part. I would expect it to be at least the same as write part but it is about half the speed.

Do you think that it is a correct behavior?


Read should be definately be faster.

What model of HDD do you use?
If you disable the MT3000’s 2.4GHz WiFi, does the write speed improve?
Have you tried other protocols? Does WebDAV show similar results?

Hi, thanks for the answers! However @yuxin.zou the issue is with reading, not with writing.
I’ve just tried and here are the results:

  1. HD model: WDC WD5000LPCX-21VHAT0

  2. 2.4 GHz disabled - it basically makes no difference at all.



  1. WebDAV is even worse in both read and write:



Thank you for your feedback.
I tested our test records. The Toshiba removable drive also reads slower than it writes, but all other removable drives read faster than they write. We will check it further.

But in your case, I would also like to know.
Does your USB Box have a separate power supply? MT3000 does not have as much power as a PC.
I noticed that the defragmentation read/write rate of the drive is very low, so I was wondering if you did the test with a drive in daily use, or if you did it with a new drive or after formatting/defragmentation?

Also, have you tried the upload and download tools that come with our App?
App Store Testflight:Join the glinet beta - TestFlight - Apple
Google Play Beta:

Thanks for your reply.
When I tested it I plugged my HD straight to the USB port, no powered hubs or power supply to my box. It is an HD I use to store random data I need to store, nothing critical, then it already had some data on it. However I am not able to test it again as I am not in my usual location at the moment - given the holidays.

I have tested speed with an NVMe drive plugged via USB with the relative USB case. It seems that speeds are normal there.



I had the official App Store version and I was not aware of that feature but I’ll test the beta version when possible.

Thanks for your help!

You are getting much higher speeds then me.

I'm stuck on 3MB/s on exfat and 3 MB/s on NTFS.
don't know what i'm doing wrong.

Setup SMB, im connecting through SMB via Cable on Windows 11.
Also transfers via Phone are slow.