Using the Domino Pi Basic Kit with a DHT22 Temperature Sensor


I’m sorry if this question is silly, however I just recently discovered your Domino boards, and would like to start using those instead of Arduino boards. My question is, as a beginners project, how could I connect a DHT22 Temperature sensor to this board? I know with arduino, I could simply connect 5v, ground and data, and be able to read the temperature sensor’s information from whatever GPIO port I had plugged data into.

For the Domino Pi Basic Kit, would I be able to attach this sensor anywhere on the board? Here is a pinout of the sensor:

Again, sorry if this is a silly question, but I am very new when it comes to working with the Domino board, and I can’t find much information for getting started.

I checked the arduino driver from : DHT-sensor-library/DHT.cpp at master · adafruit/DHT-sensor-library · GitHub

Seems it is difficult to connect directly on Domino board. As the driver uses interrupt and read the pulse signal which count in micro seconds, Domino running Linux will not be able to handle this, because Linux is not realtime system.

I search the internet and people suggest USB sensors.

Thank you for the response, Alfie.

I’ll look into USB Sensors.

Hi…i am a new user here. As per my knowledge it is difficult to connect directly on Domino board. As the driver uses interrupt and read the pulse signal which count in micro seconds, Domino running Linux will not be able to handle this, because Linux is not realtime system.