VLANs not querying Pi-hole correctly

These can be used in ssh, but these do not persist.

If you add them into /etc/firewall.user i believe it is persistent.

iptables is basicly the core firewall but most is CLI, in newer versions of openwrt it is called nftables.

The solution has been found! I was testing out a different interface which was not lan or guest, and saw in Pi-hole that my device was being logged correctly instead of the router. I then used tcpdump to monitor the traffic on port 53 on my Pi-hole's IP address and saw that my device was the only one querying. It wasn't making any double queries with the router anymore.

So what was the solution? In Network > Firewall > Port Forwards I saw that both lan and guest had an extra rule named dns for vpn and dns for vpn guest. I disabled both of these rules and lo an behold, no more double queries coming from my router.

So in the end, the fix was as simple as unchecking two buttons.

Though because of my limited knowledge I am still left with a question: can this lead to a DNS leak or privacy concerns? I already did a quick test on dnsleaktest.com and it showed my VPN's DNS server instead of my real one (the Pi-hole). So I think I'm good?

Last but not least, a big thank you to everyone that helped me here.

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