Hi, I have an OVPN client running on my Slate AX. I wanted to also run a WireGuard server but found on the forum that it is not supported to run two.
But I am also reading that it is in the making (is there any update on that?):
I believe in the mean time if I add for example a Beryl behind the Slate and I port forward the WG server port to Beryl I will be able to use that VPN server and redirect my WG client connection through Beryl right?
That sounds great. Is there any particular known bugs that you can share which may affect the daily usage of the device? And wow I just realized I mixed up, I have Flint, not Slate, sorry it was really late.
And if I upgrade what will happen with the config/luci/installed apps etc? I guess I need to reconfigure/reinstall everything, right?
Okay thanks for the answers. Do you have a list of changes/new features for version 4.1? Or git commits or something where I can see what else I get with it?