VPN from Iran - blocked access

here is some screen shot…
guess we finally met Lucy

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We did indeed. Pls reboot (System → Reboot) & let me know when you’ve logged back in to LuCI.

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on it…
Says waiting for device… Guess i wont get logged back unless i manyall connect again? but i still wont risk it and wait more.
Ip will be same 8.1 right? or will it be 1.1

It should still be 8.1 . It can take the better part of 90 secs or so to boot.

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im in thanks…
I forgot just what is this and how to get rid of it…

I will move router now and connect Internet to its WAN…
Please feel free to sleep.
Thanks for your hard work.
We will continue when u got some rest

We’ll have to look at that tomorrow. OSLR isn’t used in home/small LANs & isn’t useful in your case. There’s probably a few packages that can be uninstalled… but we’ll have to look at that after I get some sleep. I’m done for the nite/morning/whatever.

Also now might be a good time to make a backup (System → Backup / Flash Firmware → Backup).

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You will be using Clearnet. There’s no VPN/v2RayA up yet… so mind the Ayotollah.

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Thanks and dont worry. Ive eaten to many snakes; im a viper now :slight_smile:


Im tired. i may sleep early tonight. by early i mean 3… Its 2am here lol. durig past week i always slept around 10am; 10 to 6pm

@bring.fringe18 You seem very busy, but i have only got back . So whats the TLDR of this issue?

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The TL;DR is I had OP checksum the factory & not the sysupgrade after already flashing sysupgrade then wondered why GL’s ver for U-boot failed checksum for factory.

It’s been a while since I directly flashed anything. Sorry to waste your time.

Which image is OP using @bring.fringe18? No need to be sorry no time has been wasted.

DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r24909-65f599223d'

Per my instructions:

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You have been busy.

I can make a custom image if its needed for this user. Will need a list and will get it prepped and made


I can’t say no to such an offer. There’s GL cruft & my OCD doesn’t like that. More importantly is an earlier test run fr the script seems to have pulled down & installed unneeded ipks. I haven’t gotten output fr OP yet to check severity; we’re to do that later today… after I sleep.

I would love to have a ‘clean slate’ for the Flint-v2. Can I check in w/ you within the next 96 hrs? I’m hoping to have v2RayA up & dependencies sorted by then. I expect I’ll be screwing up my OWRT VM quite a few times.

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Get me a list of stuff and deps and after my next build has finished i will fire you one up as well and host it somewhere for you to download.


Sounds like more than a plan. FYI: Filen should have ‘unlimited’ bandwidth even on their free 10GB accounts. If you PM me a shared link to it, I can keep the img on hand for OP.

IIRC you still self host builds so I don’t want to hammer your pipe.

I have Mega to hand if need be, as for hammering my bandwidth smaller files doesn’t do that much damage so long as its not one big download run i.e multi thread downloads.

Will look into Filen though and upload there if needs be.