VPN from Iran - blocked access

a question which just came to my head…
Can i also have GLinet firmware on top of luci too?
Like when i need i use GLinet simple GUI then when needed harder setting go to luci ?
Thank you both

There are 360 replies with an estimated read time of 131 minutes.



Its worth reading tho. You will learn semi a lot. :slight_smile:


Okay so here’s a question for you gurus, and I don’t mean to interrupt I’m just interested to understand what is going on.

It seems like you guys are trying to get a custom build made for the Flint2.

Technically, what is the end game here and how does it help GreenCat get around the VPN out of Iran restrictions?


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No sweat. This thread has been a sh!t show for a while now.

Essentially. The Flint-v2’s dev SNAPSHOT image doesn’t ship w/ LuCI, so that needs to get on there first. Ayatollah blocks direct access to the OWRT repos on the Clearnet so a simple opkg install $whateverPackageHere fails. OP has access to a VPN via mobile & a Ubuntu computer so technically offline package installation is possible.

But Dependency Hell is a b!tch.

If this wasn’t a dev snapshot it wouldn’t nearly be as much of an issue… but the Flint-v2 is ‘too new’ ATM. OP now has LuCI up & running so at least that’s a step in the right direction.

I’m using this as R&D beyond just OP’s Flint-v2. Her’s is the most difficult model due to the snapshot/mainline unsupported status. OP could then pass the script to anyone wanting v2RayA (& eventually Shadowsocks), which is known to circumvent IR’s filtering, but are unable to afford the priemum model that is the Flint v2.


IKR?! ‘Megathreads’ are always sh!t shows. Always.

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I’m online and ready if you are online to continue @bring.fringe18

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Bad timing; I’m about to go offline for the nite but no matter. I really just need output for analysis before we proceed. That would take a day, maybe two, anyway.

As separate posts fr your Flint-v2, pls:

  • ps -w | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12}' && date
  • opkg list-installed && date
  • opkg list-installed | awk {'print $1}' && date
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Sorry was too long and didnt fit in here. I put them in a a file
output.zip (22.3 KB)

Are they? Damn, I should have know. Pls delete & execute the same command but slightly tweaked:

  • ps -w | awk '{print $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12}' >> _processes.txt
  • opkg list-installed >> _opkg_list_versioned.txt
  • opkg list-installed | awk {'print $1}' >> _opkg_list_nameonly.txt

They should appear at the top of whatever dir you’re in, hopefully still /tmp.

(The >> tells the CLI to redirect the ouput elsewhere, in this case to a text file(s).)

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Hi. here are the 3 files
3inone.zip (27.5 KB)

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_processes_NEW.zip (1.8 KB)

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3389!! My sides! :rofl:                                                        

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Thanks for the explanation, now I get it. I’m pretty new to OWRT and had not heard of Shadowsocks or v2RayA. I will look them up now.

Okay back to the grind guys, and good luck! :slight_smile:



V2ray or v2rayA are open source protocols. Which are used for those people who do very shady stuff. Because its undetectable!
Now we need to use it to for just watching youtube or using normal websites or normal apps like insta, telegram, whats app or even google play!
Why? Because almost every site and app is filtered in iran, and 99% of vpns also are blocked too and do not connect, llike openvpn, wiregaurd, or any other protocol u name it…
But they cant block or fliter v2ray and newest version of it; v2rayA. At least not yet
Sucks right? Yes
Now if you don’t stand up against globalism and communism and islamists; which all of them get along very well with each other and support eachother , your country will be the same. And destroyed…
Nationalism is everyone’s success key :key:

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We were all, once. Welcome to a real router operating system for your hardware… & not what some faceless corp allows you to do with your property. Here, so can make sure you have everything you need backed up before you find yourself needing to do more than what the stock/basic GL or OWRT does:

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3130 packages are unneeded. Copy the attached text file to Flint-v2’s /tmp & then run the following fr within the same dir:

for i in $(grep -v "#" luci-extraneous_-_20240205T0722UTC.txt); do opkg remove $i; done && reboot

Check the command is pasted properly before executing. You might want to make a cup of tea or coffee while it’s running. It will reboot when done to ‘clear the air’. Be sure to use a new Incognito/Private Mode browser when logging back in.

luci-extraneous_-_20240205T0722UTC.tar (70 KB)

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Thank you @bring.fringe18
I will comply them when home
Yep just for people who dont know…
Flint 2 was able to have all the packages and services of Owrt installed and running. And without any slowdowns!
Quite a powerful router!
Glinet rules.
I repeat again; very underrated and low profile brand who many people are not even aware if its existence!
By people i mean people who are into routers and are semi wanna be technicals like me lol…
All this capabilities only people like @bring.fringe18 @solidus1983 @admon and some other open source predators can take advantage of,
Im still going to recommend this router and this brand to my people in my cycle!


Just to confirm do u have a typo here instead .tar u typed .txt…

for i in $(grep -v "#" luci-extraneous_-_20240205T0722UTC.txt); do opkg remove $i; done && reboot