VPN from Iran - blocked access

Tbh, I don’t know. The tutorial installs v2ray which requires some modules to be installed as well. Since I don’t know the modules, I am not aware if they are fully compatible with the GL firmware. Maybe it’s just easy, and you can follow it without taking additional care?

# Check your firewall implementation
# Install the following packages for the nftables-based firewall4 (command -v fw4)
# Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 22.03 and later
opkg install kmod-nft-tproxy
# Install the following packages for the iptables-based firewall3 (command -v fw3)
# Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 21.02 and earlier
opkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra \
  iptables-mod-extra \
  iptables-mod-filter \
  iptables-mod-tproxy \
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Thanks for responding; if you’re OK w/ snapshots, then.

I seem to recall PBR’s docs state nft is highly recommended if not a dependency for it. Give the Iranian regime situation I’m tending to lean on it if it will help ensure no leaks. On second thought it may not even be necessary if all traffic is to route over v2RayA anyways. OP can speak to that, of course.


Oh, look! It looks like U-boot isn’t even needed to flash stock OWRT for the Flint v2. They have a LuCI compatible Sysupgrade image:


LuCI → System → Backup / Flash Firmware → Flash new firmware image → [ Flash image … ]

Wait 5 minutes or so for it to complete the process. The router’s default IP will become instead of GL’s Disconnect & reconnect your computer so it gets an updated LAN IP. You’ll then have to log into the Flint v2 via SSH & execute

opkg update; opkg install \
luci \
luci-ssl \
uhttpd \
liblua \
libubus \
libubus-lua \
libuci-lua \
lua \
luci-base \
luci-lib-ip \
luci-lib-jsonc \
luci-lib-nixio \
luci-mod-admin-full \
luci-theme-bootstrap \
rpcd \
luci-app-firewall \
luci-app-opkg \
luci-proto-ipv6 \
luci-proto-ppp \
&& /etc/init.d/uhttpd enable; /etc/init.d/uhttpd start

🢁 Paste that as one full line. That should install the LuCI GUI on your new, stock OWRT 23.05, at . root is still the default login.

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Fcvk iptables. nft is mainline Upstream; eventually we’re all going to have to deal with it anyways. Might as well start cutting our teeth on it sooner than later.


Theres also iptables wrappers around like iptables-zz-legacy which interprets iptables to nfttables.

i believe pbr-iptables is not a wrapper since it links iptables in its dependency.

But yea i find this rather confusing, i never liked the change from upstream Linux iptables to nfttables :yum:, OpenWrt seems to heavily rely to some wrapper hack… i see this with docker too!

Though i believe the oem firmware still use iptables or a wrapper, the question more is if it supports all those modules idd :+1:


inb4 blowback/shyte hits the fan when it doesn’t.


Thank you againg for your time and effort… also everyone else…
So i go into that link and download the last file… ( in pic )

then will need to SSH right?
I use ubuntu btw. Can i use putty for ssh? sorry if its noob question. If im using Linux as my main OS doesnt mean im sogood at command lines. it just means i pretend to be good :stuck_out_tongue:

Then After SSH. i need to do what again? im somewhat confused.
Thanks again for your time. i really appreciate this and I hope this thread can help others too who will be searching for it. in the future.

Great Community we have here. Many helpful and informative and friendly people with a loot of knowledge! Glad i picked GLinet

Yes, you can. If you open a terminal in ubuntu, you can also use the command “ssh root@

Do the command bring.fringe18 said. That one starting with “opkg update;”. That installs the luci web-interface onto stock OpenWRT.

Once that is done, you can manage many basic things using (like Wifi-networks under Network → Wireless). Once you’re at that point I believe someone will probably try to see if he can help out with v2ray I guess.


Thank you i will try it tonight and will put screenshot here or if there’s any issue.
i appreciate yall helpz

You can copy & paste output from the Terminal/command line interface (CLI) instead of screenshots.

Before posting, use three backticks (```) as a new line before and after the pasted output to format it properly… like what I did for that opkg update; opkg install [...] code block.


This forum supports the Markdown formatting language. You may find other forums using the same.

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Not sure i understood what did you mean here by " …"
I’m going to flash it now anywho…
Thanks again a universe

You don’t always need to post screenshots. Text output fr the CLI can be posted



(The […] just means there’s more to that line but I truncated it because it wasn’t relevant. There’s no sense reposting it all.)

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Sorry for keep posting…
Do i need to check these boxes?

I would most certainly skip the backup here. I think it’s better to have a clean slate to work with.

You can make a quick backup of the existing set up you can by using LuCI → System → Flash / Backup Firmware → Backup → [ Generate archive ]… but remember: that resulting tar.gz file is for the GL version of OpenWrt.

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Hi again. sorry im back. I did flash. Then it connected to Wifi again. looks like my wifi setting is same… however it still had
so i did try connecting my laptop with LAN ( wire) to do SSH
but i get these…

ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
angelina@angelina-Predator-PH315-51:~$ ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
angelina@angelina-Predator-PH315-51:~$ sudo ssh root@
[sudo] password for angelina: 
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
COuld you please guild me alittle bit more? Im stuck here. Thxxx

Please use backticks to format the output… that really does help & not hurt the eyes.

try ssh root@ . If you can log in with the same password as the GL GUI then I’m mistaken that the Sysupgrade image was the best option to use. We’d have to look at using the U-boot image & process.

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Just to say… On LAN it detected Not 8.1 so i guess it must have been some wifi thingy…
I will edit this…
Edit SSHing 8.1

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:EH8ExDPulPQPqJh9OvQQ7l/fHgD9QhqynQC7kZObLOU.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?.

**edit 2: ok i will use Ethernet**

![Screenshot from 2024-01-27 00-19-22|690x489](upload://abEwv8KBW4Jr0dvzkhSW1hw0zPF.png)
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Don’t use Wi-Fi at this point until you have confirmed everything is set up on stock. Use an ethernet cable.

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sry i didnt know how to get rid of (```) for next line. i know i need to learn it. but since ur time is limited i dont want to waste your time now.
here is a screenshot of what i see when connected by lan

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Looks good. Your Ubuntu/Predator computer is which is connected to the Flint v2 @ It looks real good. You should be able to log into LuCI @ now.

PRO-TIP: Always use a cable whenever you can. Wi-Fi sucks… but it does have its uses.

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Sorry. It detects 1.1 and also detects that its https… But still cant connect to eithe Lucl page or even SSH. i say maybe i need to reboot my laptop
BTW predator is model of my acer laptop lol