VPN from Iran - blocked access

Looks like no packages were removed all 3000+ pckages are still there…
And in command outputs it was all sayind no packages were removed… A lot of them…
Here is 3 pics to help :slight_smile:

Just a random question for the admins, including but not limited to @admon
Who gives and talks in chat support in here in main glinet site?
I remember asking them if i should buy from main site or amazon. They said its same…
I was thinking at first what a abd support and i had to have facebook to talk to them. But them i saw this forum and can say best support forum ive ever seen for a brand’s products
All nice, informative, and good people here. I wish you all the besf.
Speaking of which, i just wrote a review on amazon for flint 2. Since it didnt have any reviews… It should probably come up in public within a day!
Im not sure what happened; everyone suddenly went quiet in here.

Hi again.
Looks like @bring.fringe18 Bring is back.
while we doing this…
I was wondering if its possible to have both stock OWRT and also GL firmware at the same time too?
Lets say GL net on 1.1 and Luci on 8.1 ? Just like before we flashed…
Back then luci was on 1.1 and GL on 8.1

No, you can only run one firmware/operating system at a time on the Flint-v2.

Congratulations on PIA working on your phone using the PIA app. I was under the distinct impression IR had also blocked WG & not just OVPN. This makes things far easier to get you up & running:

The GL firmware for the Flint-v2 supports PIA. Set up for it is even easier when using the GL App to manage your Flint-v2. The problem is you’re currently using ‘pure’ OWRT. There’s also a bunch of cruft/junk files left over fr eariler attempts of getting LuCI up & running.

Short term solution: reflash the Flint-v2 back to GL firmware. Use the U-boot method & image to completely erase the mess that’s is the current state of OWRT/LuCI ATM. Be sure to checksum the U-boot image before attempting to use it. This will get it right back to as if you just took the Flint-v2 out of the box.

Once the GL firmware is back online, use their app to setup PIA. That’ll get you online w/ PIA WG VPN.

All thatt said: the GL firmware should be fine for you until Ayatollah updates the filtering to block WG. You’ll be then right back to the same position that started this thread: looking for an alternate VPN protocol like v2RayA or Shadowsocks.

By that time I should have a fully more fleshed out custom image for the Flint-v2 to run pure/vanilla OWRT+LuCI & include the v2RayA, Shadowsocks, WG dependencies.

Thank you @admon for that link. Thank you @solidus1983 for offering to build custom Flint-v2.

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thank you for your all efforts and time and help
so we going back to GL firmwre? like day 1? Untill u work more on the fully flashed image to work flawlessly?
If so i go ahead and use the link u sent…
do i ownlaod this? ( stable )

Yeah, use stable.

It’s okay to go back to GL firmware if PIA is working… which it is. Don’t worry, I still have the script saved & would need more time before handing over the dependencies list to @solidus1983 anyway.

There’s no sense in you wasting time for that if PIA WG VPN works. Just be sure to sha256checksum the U-boot image file before flashing via U-boot.

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thanks yeh. It works… atleats on my linux.
and with system dns resolver… Not PIA dns.
So im assuming i may get some issues getting it conencted with true setting.
i may eed your help again…
I will let you know when flashed

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Sounds good. I still have the script on hand so we can always flash back to pure OWRT & get LuCI properly installed if need be.

You’re going to be an expert in flashing OWRT images in no time. :laughing:

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DOne anck back to GL///
Can i use my last backup now?
or maybe it had some bugs? better i set it up again?
i dont see any restore option here…
i guess i need to go to luci?

You’d have to correct me but IIRC the backup was before flashing pure OWRT… so it should be fr when you were still running GL firmware. It should be fine.

Yeah, you need to use LuCI to restore it.

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And to go to lucy i need to do the reset proccess again right?
i have 2 back up files. one before flashing… .which i did myself… and one after… which u told me to
im uncertain which one to do

No. You’re back to running GL firmware. You want LuCI → System → Backup / Restore Firmware → Restore → Restore backup → Upload archive…

Post them to a PM. Don’t do it in this thread. I’ll take a look.

Update i was finnaly able to connect to wireguard on GLinet. with PIA. Even tho at speedtest.net i get error when testin upload speed. but speed is same as i use VPN app. I see no slow down.
I think it needs some adjusting thou. Which i dont know what exactly. but im sure it can get better…
*btw ive enabled DNS over HTTPS. Not sure why but its better than leaking dns…
HEre is screenshot of my FLint 2 succesfully connected cia wireguard ( set up through mobile app) since web gui does not have PIA ready in it.
its first time im going to youtube without using vpn on my device feel strange hehe
What a great router BTW. strong and keeps sending and recieving vpn pockets like a panther. i just wish it had more setting… For example telling it when vpn does not connect. do this or that. or that or this if its disconencted
***For now i mark this threat as Solved. Until later time we make another thread for V2ray and v2rayA. ***
Thanks to @bring.fringe18 , @admon and @solidus1983 and @genki who did all help. ( names were listed by importance and activity. :slight_smile:

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Do it. Cloudflare is a good choice for Encrypted DNS → DOH. Their infrastructure is very fast if you don’t mind that they’re USA-based. Keeping your DNS lookups encrypted is even better; you keep that function out of your VPN or ISP’s hands. It’s one less thing for them to potentially have control over.

It can. See the VPN Dashboard → VPN Client → Global Options → Block all Non-VPN Traffic & Services from GL.iNet Use VPN. Toggle both on. That’s your Kill Switch. Ensure the VPN Dashboard → VPN Client → Global Proxy is always set to force traffic thru VPN.

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Now question.
Are there anyway to make 2 Hotspot? lets say one with vpn and one without.
Or one with vpn connected to x server and one connected to Y. ?
Like aircove

The term is ‘split tunnelling.’

Not without flashing stock OWRT. I was going to ask if you wanted that feature in the build I’m authoring for you. I use it; it’s very handy. I have 4 WG tunnels running at all times, routing packets according to what web sites/servers I’m connecting to.

It’s called “PBR”. It’s a LuCI app. I would not install it on your GL firmware as GL customizations will conflict with their routing tables & firewall leading to potential leaks… Do. not. install. it. You’ve been warned.

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I don’t know, I am not affiliated with GL.iNet in any form. So I guess it might be some staff members.

It will tell you. There will be a biiiig yellow message about it.


Seems like @bring.fringe18 is up and back with a new trick up his sleeves.
Shall we continue this thread?
The wireGuard protocol does not work anymore. It would be great to run v2rayA on this beautiful router. or anything else that work.
For example Installing expressvpn firmware into Flint 2; since the expressvpn has already used flint 1 to make their router called Aircove. also their firmware is available for download.