VPN from Iran - blocked access

Hello Bring. I slept like 15 hours. I stayed up all night to fix this with you. thank you for your time and effort.
I think this Discussion must be sticky after it’s finished. with some edits. so other people from Dictatorships like Iran, Russia and China* can use this. Even thou censorship in Iran is not even comparable with Russia. We are more like in comparison with North Korea! without VPN we have Intranet. Not internet.

Taken out by edit of OP myself :stuck_out_tongue:
Again a huge thank you to Bringe and other members of here who put attention and effort into this.
I’m ready BTW to continue with our progress whenever you are.

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Okay, that was a very dense comment & there’s a lot to unpack there regarding the political state of the world but in as few words as possible: I agree.

This thread is quickly turning into a so-called ‘Mega-thread’… which isn’t great in the future as others who try seeking information to do what you & I are doing right now will have much ‘noise’ to sift/sort through in the ‘signal.’

Given the fact GL.iNet is, unfortunately, under CPC control I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to being quite vocal. It’s really not relevant anyways. It’s better to just bypass the whole question as to not cause them problems. I like GL. They mostly make good hardware. I like their developers. I like the exchanges I have with their CTO. I like criticising them. I like they take criticism in stride. I want to see them succeed. I don’t want to give the CPC a reason to shut them down however small that reason or chance may be.

Let’s continue using this thread for development, research, testing purposes. I keep good notes & track my code changes so don’t worry about such details on your end. Writing some documentation for others wanting to do what you want to do isn’t the difficult part; it’s just a matter of writing good script(s).

It’ll be up to you & others to spread the word.

Onto business


  • To recap: this script is currently based on getting all the packages/ipks need to use the Flint v2’s USB port in OWRT-SNAPSHOT when not directly using a WAN/Internet connection on the Flint v2.
    • USB3 setup is just being used as a ‘test case’; once we have working we’ll move on to the OWRT LuCI GUI install.
  • I’ve worked out a method to pull down the ipk feeds & their file listings as a list & merge/consolidate them into one ‘master list’ to act similar to a simple database for your Flint v2. It needs refinements which I’m working on tonite.


  • Per my advice you flashed the OWRT 23.05 developer SNAPSHOT (r24909-65f599223d) via the Sysupgrade function. This did work but it’s not the ideal method. I’d like to ask you to re-flash your Flint v2 use the preferred method via U-boot. Attached is the GL documentation for using U-boot to ‘debrick’ the device, the router in this case.
    • The ‘debricking’ procedure is the same one need to flash a full OWRT factory image (.bin).
    • There is a Youtube video embedded in it. Here is a YT proxy site based in Chile: How to Use UBoot to Debrick Your GL.iNet Router 2021. IR shouldn’t have it blocked.
      • If it doesn’t work in IR there other YT proxy sites/instances are such as:
    • Per the GL video, instead of downloading their firmware please download the Factory OWRT 23.05 SNAPSHOT image.
      • Check the download is not corrupt.
        • From your Ubuntu’s Terminal/command line interface (CLI) go to whatever dir/folder you downloaded to & execute sha256sum openwrt-mediatek-filogic-glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin | grep 547a77f5ea5aa563f390737561f4f8378fa660b8fccd6471c3232df88f72ceec .
          • Please post the output just for my own piece of mind.
          • This checks the file’s ‘serial number’ to ensure nothing happened incorrectly when downloading.

PRO-TIP: Always check the sums for important data… also knows file hashes… of any file if checksums are offered; especially for firmware.

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the 547a77f5ea5aa563f390737561f4f8378fa660b8fccd6471c3232df88f72ceec is red in command line

angelina@angelina-Predator-PH315-51:~$ cd Desktop
angelina@angelina-Predator-PH315-51:~/Desktop$ sha256sum openwrt-mediatek-filogic-glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin | grep 547a77f5ea5aa563f390737561f4f8378fa660b8fccd6471c3232df88f72ceec
547a77f5ea5aa563f390737561f4f8378fa660b8fccd6471c3232df88f72ceec  openwrt-mediatek-filogic-glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin
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Great! The red means the alphanumeric string, the hash after the grep command, matches. There’d be no output if it didn’t.

If you want to be extra, extra, sure run sha256sum openwrt-mediatek-filogic-glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin then take the resulting hash & visit Index of /snapshots/targets/mediatek/filogic/ . Use your browser’s search function & paste in the hash.

It should jump to the line of glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin. Feel free to confirm. In fact, I’d even implore it.

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going to flash now…

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Don’t forget to reboot (or DHCP renew) everything once done. The default OWRT IP should be . GL’s will no longer apply.

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problems love me!
As soon as i press update ( after file is uploaded into router) it gives this error
I can try with a windows laptop too if theres a chance somethign is up with my ubuntu machine

Fvck; no don’t worry about Windows. Go ahead & reboot everything. It should revert to the previous status.

@solidus1983 : Checksums were confirmed for the .bin. I assumed it was glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-factory.bin for Uboot to get a Factory install. Wadd’ya thunk?

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By reboot do you mean no more flashing?
also is @solidus1983 the final boss of here? jk

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Yup. Let’s abort. We’ll come back to it.

# TODO: reflash by U-boot.

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yep looks like MY wifi names are still on!
im ok back into SSH and connected

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Heh; @solidus1983 is another madman with a plan. I pick his brain from time to time for a second opinion. I’m sure he’d have no problem tell me to piss off if it’s a problem.

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Just noticed my vpn was on. And maybe kept trying to connect. Shall i try again?

I don’t think that’s related. The error msg states “you have chosen the wrong file” when attempting to upload the .bin image.

That was openwrt-mediatek-filogic-glinet_gl-mt6000-squashfs-**factory**.bin & not a sysupgrade-name one, right? If so we’ll not worry about it ATM.

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Pls post the output fr your Ubuntu CLI of which bash; which wget; which tr; which sed; which grep; which awk; which cut; which rev . There should be 8 lines. I have an updated method to handle the three different feeds but I want to ensure the underlying Linux tools are present on Ubuntu Linux.

(I don’t use Ubuntu.)

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Sysupgrading without keeping settings would likely get you most way there as well. Never had any issues with gl stuff after that :wink:. Uboot flash might do more, but do you really expect any noticeable difference for greencat in setting up?

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Well, I can account for any potential GL conf cruft conflicts by opkg install --force-reinstall --force-overwrite but one of the long term goals of this project is so @GreenCat can assist others flashing when they want to replicate a pure OWRT for v2RayA.

I hate the thought of wasted storage because of leftovers… and it never hurts to know how to debrick, just in case. “Best practices” & all that.

# TODO: Check for GL cruft in /usr/bin fr Sysupgrade. (ls -l /usr/bin | grep gl_ )

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Hi. Im back and reqdy to put commands in theough ssh in like 30 mins. Hopefully we can sort it out tonight.
Thank you everyone for your opinions. Id live to learn all these command lines. I feel bad using ubuntu not knowing all these commands lol
I will use windows tonight to make things easier for bring; since he’s on windows!

angelina@angelina-Predator-PH315-51:~/Desktop$ which bash; which wget; which tr; which sed; which grep; which awk; which cut; which rev
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Correction: I don’t use Ubuntu. I use Linux apps in Windows (cygwin) & other Linux distros. Sometimes there’s differences that I need to be aware of.

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