VPN policy, Samsung TV

I use a Flint running Wireguard and use the GL.inet UI VPN policy to bypass VPN for the IP of my TV. Unfortunately, the TV shows that it is not connected to the internet and apps do not work. All other devices work normally. DNS is set to automatic on the TV.

If I switch off the VPN, the TV and apps on it work normally.

Any ideas what could be the cause? Thank you!

I don’t use the MAC based policy as I also want to exclude a range of domains from using VPN.

How exactly do you do that?

I use the GL.inet UI VPN policy to exempt IP/domain from VPN traffic and then input the device IP next to a list of domains that I want to bypass the VPN.


Sorry this is wrong.

Pls use Mac address based policy for local devices.

IP/Domain is the destination website you visit.