VPN upload is perfect but download suddenly dropped

Hello all, I'm using Wireguard with my unifi device and I've been using it perfectly fine for past 3months, suddenly today speed dropped and now I do have 6.00Mbps download but my upload is minimum 150+Mbps... It's so weird why only that dropped... MY unifi device got 500/500 Leased line and my current start point got 600/600 speed and each speed tests are giving correct results, only when connected to the VPN it's slow download and very speedy upload... (GL-AXT1800
and "OpenWrt Version:"
OpenWrt 21.02-SNAPSHOT r16399+171-c67509efd7)

Please share some more details, see How to get support quickly

What VPN do you use?
Is it the same with all servers?
Is the upstream router under your control - so no restrictions?

I'm using wireguard, full tunnel and yes same with OpenVPN as well. I have 3 different location to test and three location got the same results.

While waiting, I was surprised to see that the connection came back on its own. It seems there might be an issue with the upstream router. What's odd is that the ping and latency are almost identical, yet the results vary significantly. I appreciate your prompt response—thank you!


Hello all, still having the same issue again? Main router gets very good connection and VPN again playing around :frowning: