Welcome to GL.iNet's Forum

Welcome to the GL.iNet community! We have worked hard to bring you our products and we are excited to help you with any questions related to our products and services.
To use our forum:
Step 1: Create an account.
Step 2: Search the forums before asking your question.

  • It is possible that someone has already asked the same question as you before. Please search our forum for an answer prior to asking.

Step 3: Ask a question or start a topic.

Step 4: Create a searchable subject line.

  • Please use an understandable topic:
    • Bad subject lines: “Please help!” “Keep getting errors” “I have a question”
    • Good subject lines: “USB150 Upgrade Problem” “GL-MT300N-V2 Join Network: Wireless Scan Problem”

Step 5: Post your message.

  • Please provide as much relevant information as possible, such as:
    • Product information
    • Firmware version
    • Error code
    • Instruction of how to reproduce the error
    • Operating system information
    • Where the product was purchased (ex. Amazon, eBay, etc.)
  • Use proper grammar and spelling as much as possible.