When will devices be updated to OpenWRT 21?

As there is already rc4, so the last or before the last release before the final release, when is go.inet going to update its devices? Is there any beta GL.inet devices in which you can test openwrt 21 rc4?


Maybe not all will upgrade but in our firmware v4.x we will use openwrt 21.02

The current stable version series of OpenWrt is 21.02, with v21 .02.0-rc3 being the third release candidate of the series.

With new fresh kernels? :slightly_smiling_face:

When upgrade it will use fresh kernels

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It’s comming on nearly 10 months since version 4 was mentioned in this thread. Any updates? Openwrt 22 is nearly out. :slight_smile:

v4 beta is available for flint and the new slate AX via their firmware downloads page here.

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