Wifi Network Disappears

I got on the plane last night, and the wifi network from my MudiGL-E750 is just gone. I did a reboot a couple of times, but no luck. This morning I used the reset button, but still no luck.

This is not the first time. It happens every 10th use or so. Does anyone else have these issues?

What’s the firmware version? When did you buy it? Is this issue happening to all your wifi clients?

Bought about 6 months ago.

It impacts all clients, the SSID doesn’t broadcast even thought it shows on the LED screen.

Originally 3.215, upgraded to 3.217 recently. Happened on the previous firmware as well.

A hardware reset always fixes it, although obviously having to reconfigure the whole thing is a bit of a hassle.

Could you please export log when the issue happens? with command:


We can also start a remote session to check.

How do I connect to the device without it providing a WiFi signal?

Good question! Do you have a USB-C port replicator? That can be used to connect LAN.
Could you please try 4.x firmware: