Wireguard client from keepsolid

I'm trying to use the config provided by keepsolid for configuring the wireguard client on Flint2
However, when I try to use this config:

PrivateKey = fsfdf
Address =

PublicKey = fdsfdf=
PresharedKey = ffdfg=
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25

it says:
Illegal parameter, operation failed. [-32602]

Tried also to use the "item mode" but no luck.
Does anybody encountered a similar issue?
I'm on v4.7.0 firmware

Thank you.

Check if all the keys are correctly encoded base64 strings and make sure there is no whitespace or whatever in it.

Instead of creating a New VPN I directly added the .cfg file from Keepsolid, and that worked.

I think what @fabreg noticed here is actually a bug in 4.70

I noticed this too on 4.7 when you try to manually input the Wireguard cfg into the box, it complains with: "Illegal parameter, operation failed. [-32602]" . I didn't have this issue on previous version(s)

Uploading the .cfg directly works though...

If after uploading you stop the VPN and try to edit it's name in the Name Box, the same error happens.

/cc: @bruce


Thank you for your feedback.

This issue we are aware, manual enter the configuration/parameter items, and its validation has problem, will be improved in the next version.

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Thanks for the update.

I'm travelling right now and needed to update the wireguard configuration.... But I'm getting the same error.

Glad to know you guys are aware, and it will be fixed in the next update.


What the router model name is and the firmware version?

Now the issue is resolved on the latest firmware version, please manually upgrade.


My router is GL-MT3000 running firmware version 4.7.0

Please upgrade to v4.7.4 beta firmware for the MT3000
