Wireguard Client - "The client is starting, please wait ..."

Hi everyone, I have 2 GL-A1300 routers. One for travelling and taking with me. The other one is connected via Ethernet cable to my ISP router. What I am trying to do is set up a wireguard VPN between both routers so that I can use my home ISP IP address to work while using the travel router.

I had previously set this up and it was 100% working as I frequently checked my IP address and it was showing my home IP.

I recently updated the Firmware on bot routers and now it seems like my Wireguard Client does not start up anymore, I just get the message “The client is starting, please wait …”. I have forwarded the UDP port 51820 on my ISP router. The Wireguard Server is up and running.

Last message in the log is: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()

Can anyone help me? I dont know what to do now.

Could be this issue maybe:

Execute those commands on the WG server router.

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Please export the full log of wireguard client. It doesn’t look like the same case as Access LAN services through real IP with active VPN client - #21 by hansome

How do I do that? I am a bit of a novice when it comes to these things. Where can I execute such commands?

Here is the log when I try to boot up Wireguard Client:

Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Rule 'process_mark'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Rule 'safe_mode_mark'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Rule 'safe_mode_mark_save'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876): Warning: fw3_ipt_rule_append(): Can't find target 'CONNMARK'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876): Warning: fw3_ipt_rule_append(): Can't find target 'CONNMARK'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Zone 'lan'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Zone 'wan'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    * Zone 'guest'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Set tcp_ecn to off
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Set tcp_syncookies to on
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Set tcp_window_scaling to on
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Running script '/etc/firewall.nat6'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Running script '/etc/firewall.vpn_server_policy.sh'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Running script '/var/etc/gls2s.include'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):    ! Skipping due to path error: No such file or directory
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876):  * Running script '/usr/bin/gl_block.sh'
Thu Feb  8 11:32:21 2024 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (26876): uci: Entry not found
Thu Feb  8 11:32:22 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now down
Thu Feb  8 11:32:22 2024 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()
Thu Feb  8 11:32:30 2024 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up now
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Will the same exported wireguard conf file work on your phone APP?
The wierguard server may become unreachable after system upgrade/reboot.