I have a Puli GL-XE300 running of a cellular backhaul with a static IP, when i first set it up i was able to use wireguard to connect to the Admin UI over the VPN could access in a browser. A few weeks go by and I am no longer able to access the web UI.
I know I am connected to wireguard server properly since I can access the GL-XE300 via ssh over the IP when wireguard is on. What could be the issue, I tried rebooting from SSH but even after the reboot still no WEBUI access over wireguard?
Did you make two client configs, one for the laptop and one for the phone?
You can't use one config for different devices like openvpn. For each device you want to have acess to the Wireguard server you need to make a wireguard client config for each.
I'm just wondering if you are running the same config at the same time as that would result in one device not connecting correctly.
Well you could reboot the router first to see if anything is going on. Also ensure you don't have any static network settings on your laptop and that you are using automatic DHCP for your connection.
On a Windows laptop you can actually reset the network adapter settings pretty quickly.
I would, forget the network if connected via WiFi or unplug the ethernet cable. Reset the network adapter and then restart your laptop. It also might not hurt to re-create the laptop WireGuard config just to rule out any old config that may have changed.
No need to mark as solved if you haven't solved it persistence is key.
Thank you for your help but yes before I posted I made sure to reset the router a few times.
I’m suspecting it may be some issues with the settings laptop. I daily drive Linux so I’m starting to think it’s something I need to adjust in my own settings, it’s not the WireGuard config because using the WireGuard config on my laptop still allows me to access the router via ssh. I’ll try again when I get home. Cheers. I’m sure it’s something simple maybe I should probably restart my laptop haha because honestly I did not try that yet.
Theres also a per client MTU settings you can amend, not sure if you have changed it from the default but you can also lower it, might be worth a try. Default is 1420, try 1340 for example.
Wireguard server > profiles > find name and client IP > edit (cog icon) > set more
You should now be able to adjust the MTU. I'm guessing that value just amends the config file so you could probably adjust the MTU directly from within your laptops config however you would still want to adjust the glinet client config just incase you re-download the config.
Thanks to @j2zero changing the MTU down to 1340 helped me gain access back on my Laptop. Considering that the celluar carrier probably uses 1420 it works when you Lower it to 1340.