Wireguard VPN profiles deleted

Hello, I have an issue with the app. I added some VPN wireguard profiles using the iOS app. when I disconnect from the VPN, the profiles disappears and I have to do it add them from scratch

so I reset my router. same issue. I add a wireguard profile, I connect. when I disconnect it disappears.

The profile should stay in the app.

You can only push the current using one to the router. When you push a new one, it replaces the old on on the router.

Maybe not optimal, but this is how it is designed.

I have the router and app for 1.5?years!

the profiles never disappeared!

check pics.

when I turn off VPN from the app, profile disappears!

I am using iphone app v 1.0.16(60), just tried XE300 3.211 firmware.

Tried openvpn and wireguard and I don’t have this problem.

Have you tried uninstalling, then reinstalling the app on your iPhone?

Developer confirmed that its a bug of the iOS app