Wireguard with split tunnel

I solved my issue, but could not do that via the GL gui.

I’ll give my solution here, as others might look for the same.

  • Go to “MORE SETTINGS” → “Advanced” and log in
  • Hover over “System” and go to “Software”
  • Search for “luci-proto-wireguard” and klick “install”
  • Hover over “Network” and go to “Interfaces”
  • “Add new interface…”
  • Choose a name for the Interface
  • Select “WireGuard VPN” as protocol
  • Make WireGuard Settings like in the GL gui
  • As allowed IPs choose the Range of the remote network and add a second line for the WireGuard IP of the WireGuard server
  • Set checkmark at “Route allowed IPs”
  • Go to “Firewall Settings” and add the Interface to the WAN Zone
  • Click “Safe & Apply”

Now surfing the web is done via the direct connection (in my case LTE over WWAN), but access to devices in remote network is established at the same time.

If you want to use a DNS Server within the remote Network (e.g. a PiHole):

  • Go back to “Interfaces”
  • Edit the Interface, that is your inter connection (in my case WWAN)
  • Go to “Advanced Settings”
  • Uncheck “Use DNS servers advertised by peer” and enter the IP of your desired DNS