Working with Visible Network

So only Visible has problems, right?

Yes, out of the two SIMs I have (ATT and Visible), only Visible has a problem. ATT can send and receive SMS without problem.

Typically Visible connects to 5G NSA at my location, so I just used Band Masking to only allow LTE, and then tried to send and receive SMS on the Spitz AX. Unfortunately, SMS does not work when locked to LTE either.

We just online order a Visible SIM card. It is on its way. Will test and keep you posted if any updates. Thanks!

I use a visible sim card to test for your problem in the Richmond, VA, it can work, please refer to the pictures below, and I think visible sim card is unstable, yesterday, I test many times, but it don’t work, but today, I test again, it can work normally.
Do you use our newest firmware to test? (GL.iNet download center)
Do you test your visible sim card in your phone and confirm this card open the SMS function?

@pwyngaard Do you use our newest firmware to test again? has your problem been solved?

I have new data to share regarding my Visible sim.

Boot up router with Visible sim in slot 1 and slot 2 empty. The router appears to be attempting to connect to Visible but after two minutes it is still not connected. I click the manual setup and confirm that the information is correct and hit apply. Wait another minute or so and still not connected. I then switch to sim slot 2, wait a minute, and the switch back to sim slot 2. Visible connects and I’m online.

I could not get the Visible sim to connect on this firmware. I reverted to 10305 and it won’t connect there either.

I suppose my next step is try 50402 again but this time do a full wipe when installing. I’ll report back tomorrow hopefully with good news.

I have also updated to 4.0-release50402 and I am now unable to connect to any Visible cell tower. I tried to go back to previous stable versions with no success. I tried hard reset twice, no success. The sim card works fine in phone. The X3000 had been working fine before this last “update”, just looked forward to the tower locking feature. Router “sees” all the cell towers, just can’t connect. Tried both sim card slots. I am now waiting for technical support to use Goodcloud to troubleshoot the router. Hope they try soon! Router seems broken for now.

I’ve made some progress. After reverting to 10305 and not having any success with connecting I put the Visible sim in a phone for a few minutes and verified that data was working. I then put the sim back in the Spitz and after jumping through the aforementioned hoops the sim connected. I then flashed 50402. I was unable to get connected. Took the sim out and put it in the phone again and then back in the router. After doing the switch to sim 2 and back to sim 1 it still wouldn’t connect. I then clicked manual setup and while the values were correct I clicked “Select a Profile” and chose Verizon. To my surprise the sim connected. I don’t think the “Select a Profile” was the magic step as I had done that in my earlier testing and it did not work. More good news. I pulled the power cord for a cold reboot and upon booting up the router connected to Visible without any intervention. So it seems like 50402 has made some improvements in my limited testing.

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Technical support has fixed my router through Goodcloud and is now working correctly.

Update 2:
I was trying to change tower locking location and the X3000 stopped connecting again. I did get it working again by issuing the AT command of AT+QMBNCFG=“deactivate” . The modem then connected again.

Are you able to elaborate on what technical support did to fix your issue?

I was sent instructions from Technical Support on how to set up the Goodcloud application account. I followed the instructions and provided them the information they requested. Within a few days, they connected to my X3000 router and preformed the necessary changes to get it to connect correctly. They then emailed me with the above AT command to use in the modem management in the browser access internet tab. If needed, you can access the router in a browser with the default when you are logged in the same network. I don’t know exactly what Technical Support did, it just worked and I could see that they logged into the router in my Goodcloud account. You do need to have the router connected to another internet connection other than the cell modem at the same time. Hope this helps.

Use this AT command


Hi there,
I tried using a visible sim in my new x750v2 and am having speed caps at 5mbps. Can anyone assist me with this matter?

Have you tried setting the ttl to 65?

Speeds go up to about 15mbs but should be at least 40

If you’re getting 15Mbps, then you’ve gotten around the hotspot cap of 5Mbps, but assuming you just bought a new X750v2, it comes with an EC25-AFFA (CAT4) modem which doesn’t support CA (carrier aggregation) like the EP06-A. 15Mbps-20Mbps is sort of what kind of speeds I would expect on Visible/Verizon on a single carrier of 4G LTE.