XE300 fw 4 - gl-puli-mcu

Hi, at the firmware 3.2X using /usr/bin/xe300-mcu instruction was possible to obtain the full data of mcu, in the new firmware that module (xe300-mcu) does not exist anymore. I install the gl-puli-mcu but does not work (this is the error: Failed to add object: Invalid argument) I do not have the list of argumets to use it.

Any clue will be appreciate!


Are you using 4.x firmware? Now it is the Lunar New Year, I do not have XE300 device in hand, if you use gl-puli-mcu -h, is there any output?

I came across the same problem after upgrading the firmware to 4.3.17.
I can't find any documentation how to use the module gl-puli-mcu.
When i enter the proposed command "gl-puli-mcu -h" i only get the error message "Failed to add object: Invalid argument" and an open input prompt.
Any hint very welcome.

I would guess it's just a shell script.

Try to read it using cat

It is installed in /usr/sbin and a cat prints some garbage that does not look like a shell script.
The executable /usr/sbin/gl-puli-mcu has a date of 15/10/2021 which seems quite old.
Are there any docs how mcu should work on openwrt conceptually?

The program is not shell script and should not run manually.

In version 3 i used to call /usr/bin/xe300-mcu to check for status of power and got the result in a file /tmp/mcu_data. How can i achieve the same in version 4?

Do you want to know if you are currently charging or using a battery?

Yes, but i have already found out by running the sample for login and calling system_status_data. In the response data is also mcu data with charging_status = 0 or 1.

ubus call mcu status

Thank you for pointing me to this, might be faster than calling the api.