Xe3000 No 5G Google Fi

Hi, I just bought a xe3000 router, I updated the firmware and installed two Google fi sim cards and it always says the sim cards are not detected. I tried updating the firmware to revision 12 and I updated the modem firmware and it says the same thing. The sim that came with the router works and gets detected as tmobile. Both of the Google fi some cards work in my phone fine. I even tried updating to the beta version 13 and still the same thing. I also tried manually entering h2g2 in the APN setting. Another thing I tried was downgrading to version 9 and nothing changed. Any help would be great. I've read a lot of forum posts with the same issue and some people say they fixed it but it's not clear how they did it.


Here has some ideas, lock tower:

Change the IMEI, copy it from the phone which register the SIM in the phone first:

How about the SIM status?

No sim card detected?
Or is the sim card not registered?

Are you using Google Fi voice or data sim cards? I've used Fi data sim cards in many devices and never had any issues. If I have time later today I'll try one of my Fi data sims in my X3000 and report back.

They are data only Sims.

It gives me an error when I do it.

I also tried downgrading to what they recommended and there was no change. I tired it through the web interface and through ssh.

I tried to copying the imei number and spoofing it to the modem and nothing changed.

There are two card slots
Did you plug it into slot 2?

Yes, I have a sim in both slots, I tried physically switching them and I tired using the software to switch. Both say no sim detected only when using google fi sim cards. These cards also work in another brand hotspot I have.

Technical Support via GoodCloud.tar (192 KB)
This is strange.
Can I see it remotely?

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Yea, you can see it. I just tried a 3rd sim. I have 4 data only sim cards and I put that in and it worked right away. I don't understand why it doesn't like the other two?

Can you still access AT commands? Can you please try this and post the response? Its only a query command so no need to worry.


Could be a software bug
Can you share the device?
thank you

Yea, I set up the share device with gl.inet support where do I send the device information?

Please PM the MAC and the password which login the GL Web UI to ywp

hello, @doczenith1
Have you tested whether this card works properly on your x3000?
thank you

I wanted to let everyone know I ordered another Google fi card and that works in the router too. So I think somehow I two of my cards died when moving them to the router. I've never seen this happen before.