4.5.7 firmware Flint2 Wireless GL-MT6000

?? I am speaking for myself. That is pretty clear. This is not a forum to be rude. I am reporting my own experience. One of the biggest complaints is the 2.4 GHz WIFI connection speed. That is not improved with the proprietary drivers (my testing and reported by others). Stability (such as streaming) is not improved in my network with the proprietary drivers. Lastly, many functions are completely broken by the proprietary drivers in 4.5.7, and now confirmed in the letter from GL that they also understand this. Thinks like basic OpenWRT functionality for channel monitoring do not work with the proprietary 4.5.7 MediaTek drivers at all.

@renbo.xu you guys have released a statement saying you know there are stability issues. you are showing as staff… how is that helpful? Updates on Flint 2's recent firmware version: pulling back v4.5.7 and releasing v4.5.8 soon

Hello, the stability issue occurred on 4.5.6. This is because the firmware used in version 4.5.6 or lower is the latest OpenWrt, which may cause the WiFi to be unstable. In the 4.5.7 firmware, we have reverted to an older version of OpenWrt. The issue with 4.5.7 is that the WAN port speed does not meet the standard. During our testing on the 4.5.7 firmware, we did not encounter stability issues. Therefore, I would like to ask you some questions to see what has affected the stability of WiFi.